Sales Policy
Prices are subject to change without notice.
Payment is required Before Delivery for all Customers without Store Approved Credit.
Sales tax is charged on all items unless a Sales Tax-Exempt Form is on file and current
All items purchased for Deliveries including the Delivery fee is subject to Sales Tax.
All returns are subject to Approval, no Returns, or Refunds after 15 Days.
No returns allowed without Receipt
No returns on Brick Pavers or Retaining Walls (NO EXCEPTIONS)
No returns or exchanges on Natural Stone.
If a return is approved and you paid by a check, there will be a 10-day waiting period before a refund is given back.
An item not stocked will be a Special Order, it must be paid in full at the time the Order is Placed.
Absolutely No RETURNS or Exchanges on any Special-Order items!
25% Restocking Fee on all Approved Returns.
Greenfield Supply Center, LLC will NOT be held responsible for Damages to Trucks while Loading or Unloading
Greenfield Supply Center, LLC is not Responsible for Damages to Driveways, Walkways, Trees, Wires, Septic Fields, Irrigation Systems, or on any part of your Yard where Deliveries occur. Delivery Waiver must be Signed and Approved before we Dump your Product.
Greenfield Supply Center, LLC does not go into backyards for deliveries we do our best to get it where you need it, it is up to the Driver’s discretion where to place the delivery. If you refuse the delivery, you will only be refunded for the product… NOT the Delivery Fee, NO EXCEPTIONS!
Invoices are due 30 days after the date of purchase.
Any Account Past Due will be put on Credit Hold unless other Arrangements have been made.
If an account becomes 30 Days Past Due Legal Notices will be Sent Out. It then becomes your Responsibility for all Legal Fees we inquire and including Labor Hours to start Legal Obligations, Gas to and from any Legal Entities, and any other fees that might occur that are not mentioned.